Sunday, March 17, 2013

SAS Certified Advanced Programmer Questions for You

Hi everyone,

I just purchased the study book for the SAS Certified Advanced Programmer for SAS 9 certification and am really excited to dive into the information when it comes to my apartment. My reasoning for diving back into the world of SAS certifications is that I learned so much studying for the base exam, and I wanted to keep learning and using these tips and tricks that you pick up along the way. Ultimately, I think that the material covered in the advanced certification will help me write slicker, more efficient code at my job which will make me look like a rock star at work.

I have a few questions for any of you who may have taken (and hopefully passed) this exam. I'm just trying to get a baseline of what studying for the exam will be like...

Is the advanced exam more difficult than the base exam?
Did you study longer for the advanced exam compared with the base exam?
Did you find the information more interesting?
Was it worth it to take the advanced certificate in the first place? Is the base certificate sufficient?

Thanks a lot for your help, and I'll be sure to let you all know how my studying is coming along.

SAS Cert


  1. Hi SAS Cert. I've worked with SAS for almost 15 years. I used to be a senior software developer for a major software company whose product was written in SAS.

    I still have not gotten a SAS Certification since my experience always spoke for itself. Lately I thought why not have it on my Resume anyhow and I will be taking the SAS Base Certification.

    I noticed that some of the questions are not there to test your knowledge but to trip you up..which is silly.

    As to your question about the Advanced Certification...I am planning to take that as well. However as you may have noticed its heavy on PROC SQL and SAS Macros.

    I have a lot of experience coding SAS macros which can be confusing to someone who has not developed using SAS Macro language. But old time SAS programmers never used PROC SQL since we prefer to use the Data Step instead. PROC SQL was created for the new generation of programmers who did not want to learn the data step. So even for experienced programmers in SAS this is a stumbling block.

    Good Luck with the Advanced and please keep posting your thoughts and comments.

    1. Working knowledge seems to be completely different from these SAS certification exams. People who are seasoned SAS programmer at times these certification exams are bit tricky. Probably some of the information what we face in these exams may not have any practical utility in regular day-to-day programming (I may be wrong ??). I am unsure how much employers are giving weightage for these certifications if you do have not have any real-time programming work experience. Even you study the advanced programming guide from SAS institute, you need to have thorough understanding and at times memorize to crack these tests. Even whatever certification dumps are available most of them lack explanation and at times you need to assess whether some of the answers are correct in stead of taking them granted. If you really what to understand all these efforts are worth.

  2. Hello,
    As per my suggestion to pursue for Advance SAS certification,Base SAS should be rolled upon and prepared thoroughly

  3. Did you give sas advance certification? How was the exam?

  4. Could you please email me the notes, I will really appreciate your help.
    My email address is

    I have schedule my exam on April 25,2014 and I am refereeing to Base SAS Prep and Little SAS book.

    Thank you,

  5. Can u please email me the notes. My

    Thanks in advance..

  6. pls send me notes too on

  7. Please send me notes on my

  8. I got my Base SAS Certification in 2012, I failed Advance SAS because I relied on dumps, SAS Advanced exam in India at least is different from dumps you get on all website. SAS Advanced Certification consists of SAS SQL, Macros and Advanced Programing techniques. SQL and Macros are still fine, but the third part which is Advanced Programing technique is brutal. To me since I learned it first time was really lethal. All who passed Advanced Cert most of them used dumps and imp questions, very few passed it genuinely and now since SAS stopped setting its question from dumps, it makes all difference since SAS first has 65% passing, then 70%, then it has its own questions and passing is back to 65% but exam content tough.... It took me 7 months with working to get through hell. trust me not easy now going on from 2014

    1. Hi Sameer,
      I'm planning to appear for SAS advanced Cert and I've been working on the preparation from quite some time.
      Could you please provide me the dumps for the advanced SAS cert on
      I'll be very grateful for your help Sameer.

    2. Hi Sameer,
      I'm planning to appear for SAS advanced Cert and I've been working on the preparation from quite some time.
      Could you please provide me the dumps for the advanced SAS cert on
      I'll be very grateful for your help Sameer.

  9. hi it would be greatly appreciated if you can send me some notes to


  10. Hi anyone willing to give me a Christmas gift in the form of Advanced sas dumps.You would be my Santa for sure . Kindly send it to

  11. Hi would anyone send me the dumps questions of the Advanced SAS certification? Your help will be appreciate it. My email is

  12. Hi would anyone send me the dumps questions of the Advanced SAS certification? Your help will be appreciate it. My email is

  13. Hi would anyone send me the dumps questions of the Advanced SAS certification? Your help will be appreciate it. My email is

  14. Hi , I am planning to give Advance SAS certification .For base SAS i had studied BASE SAS prep Guide thoroughly and that was enough.
    Can anyone tell me whether Advance SAS prep guide is enough for advance sas.

  15. Please send me the Advanced SAS certification dumps questions. Your help will be appreciate it. My email is

    Thank you so much.

  16. Hi, Thanks for sharing the information.
