Hi everyone,
I'm not sure if you all had heard this, but SAS recently received its 50,000th professional certification credential. According to the link below, the program launched 14 years ago and has averaged double digit growth since it began in 1998.
As a Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9, I can say for certain that I'm not just one in a million, I'm 1 in 50,000!
Let's turn this into a math problem...
***Use SAS to determine the average program growth rate assuming that SAS had a total of 1,000 professional certifications at the end of 1998. What would the average growth rate have to be each year to reach 50,000 professional certifications by the end of 2012?
Please post your code and answers below! I'm really interested to see the different ways people will use SAS to solve the problem. I'll post my solution in about a week...
Until next time,
SAS Cert
Nobody knows how to figure out this problem?! I'll give you a hint, try using a do loop with a growth rate variable to get to 50,000 professional certifications at the end of 2012.
ReplyDeleteLet's get at least 2 responses and then I'll post the answer.
Good luck!
do until (rate <=50000)