Monday, March 11, 2013

SAS Cert Mission

The mission of my blog, SAS Cert, is to help readers become great at SAS and pass its certification exams.

I have been programming in SAS for a relatively short period of time, but I was completely blown away by its capabilities when I first started using it for work a few years back. I completed the SAS Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9 program, and the skills I attained through studying have certainly been helpful. In my day job as a data analyst, I can now pull, analyze, and report on data much faster than using SQL, Excel, or Access alone (or even combined). SAS is definitely a powerful tool if you know how to use it.

I plan on posting hints and tips about SAS, SAS sample questions and answers asked on the certification exams, and other SAS related topics. I hope you find it helpful.

SAS Cert

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    You are doing a great job! I would want to be you one day and follow the same ambition to be in data analytics in my near future.

    I am preparing for base sas certification. If I may request you for information on all that I need to clear this test? I see around 15 questions under 2013. Do you have more questions? also I am unable find your notes, so if possible can you please email this to me at

    can you also share those 50 questions if you have?

    Thanks a ton and keep up the great work!

